Tuesday, March 11, 2014


Post #1

This week I had the unique opportunity to view Dane's Blog at Mrs. Toal's Class Blog. Dane is a smart guy and I commented on some words of wisdom he had for his classmates on the subject of cyber-bullying. You can view his great advice here.

I complemented Dane on his sage advice and asked him if he or any of his friends had ever been cyber-bullied. I am hoping his answer is a resounding no!

Post #2 

This week I was given the delightful opportunity to post in Mrs. Geldes's  classroom. I was given the honor of commenting on Alex R.'s blog and Will K.'s blog. Alex's blog was about the Sochi Olympics and the sport of Snowboarding. Alex seems to really like snowboarding and ice skating. I asked him if he has ever done either of these sports and I complimented him on his blog. 

Will K. asked a question. The question he was given was would you rather live in the mountains or on the beach. He chose the beach. Then he asked, "Would you rather have a pet pig or walrus?" I said I would rather have a pet pig. I told him the reason I would rather have a pig is because a pig could live in the house with you. If you had a pet walrus you would have to live near the water. 

Post #3

This week I have 3 blogs to report on! First is a somewhat local teacher - Mrs. Miller's  4th block. I was assigned to read freebird's blog. This student was asked to comment - apparently - on whether she liked the text or film version of a book. She stated that she enjoyed the text version better. This really surprises me. I would assume that she would like the film version - but she chose the text version for the same reasons that I would have stated. I enjoy imagining the characters "my way" and sometimes a movie ruins that for me... she feels the same. I enjoyed delving into her blog a little deeper and it gave me an idea to use in my own classroom. 

I was also given Gillian from Mrs. Long's 10th grade class. Gillian's post was on a trip to Walt Disney World. Actually Gillian's entire blog is a guide for a teenager in Disney. She does a really great job of telling her version of how great Disney is. Sometimes her writing is poor - especially for a 10th grader. But over all the blog is very cohesive - especially for a 10th grader. I am not a huge fan of Disney World - but she has been on 2 Disney Cruises and that fascinates me. I think I may have to look into a Disney Cruise. It sounds like fun. 

The last blog I was given for this period is from Bode Middle School in Missouri. I was given MacKenzie's blog . MacKenzie recently wrote an argumentative paper on which city she would have preferred to live in in Ancient Greece - Sparta or Athens. In the paper she chooses Athens. She includes a link to her paper in Google and also says that she followed a rubric that was created by the students... very, very interesting... 

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