C4T My Choice Post #1
In this post I discussed the ways in which creativity assisted me in my education. I commented on the blog titled "Will Degrees in Creativity Be the Next New Hot Commodity?" It made me think about how we are supposed to think critically about our studies. We often expect our students to only think critically. Sometimes it is more important for them to FAIL at thinking and succeed at trying. We need our students to also be creative. This allows them to use their thinking critically in different ways.
This one teacher used post it notes to get the students to think of different ways to solve a problem. The students were given a problem and then told to come up with creative ways to solve the problem. Pretty awesome.
The other thing that this blog discusses is having a degree program that requires a minor in creative problem solving. It was very interesting and made me think of EDM 310.
Post #2
This week is very appropriate for this class. I know we are all looking for ways to use technology in a way that will assist our students. This blog post gives some alternatives. It talks about the use of education software and interactive whiteboards and how the use - or lack of use - effects education.
When educational software is discussed it states, "If you expect software to raise test scores, that rarely happens." If educational software could raise test scores alone, it would have replaced teachers a long time ago. The article continues to discredit the use of software alone by saying that students learn more in a creative and engaging activities. These activities can only be provided by a well trained "good" teacher.
The author has a more favorable opinion of whiteboards. Basically it is a use of technology that can be used by the teacher to engage students.
The article continues talking about BYOD projects and the cost value of long-term versus short term investment. Very interesting.
Post #3
Mindshift is certainly living up to its name. I have found that this blog is totally different from ANY blog I would have normally chosen. At this point I am wondering if I should have chosen "Teacher Tom" or some other simpler blog. But, I made a choice and I am sticking with it. This blog is NOT written by just one person sharing their thoughts. It is a compilation of many people. I find the diversity of the posts to be enlightening and sometimes difficult to comprehend. I am stretching my thought processes and I am going to continue to "jump in!"
This week I read a post by Elizabeth Blair. The post is titled "A Look into Teenagers Complicated Online Lives". I honestly thought that I would read things I had already read somewhere else. That was not the case. I thought I was going to see a rage against all things online. You know the thoughts, "they are stuck in a faceless world" ideas. No, that was not the case. Blair discusses a book and author. The book is titled It's Complicated by Danah Boyd. There are several quotes by teenagers that can give a teacher an insight into their students. I would encourage you to read it!
Post #4
This blog post looks at the advancements being made by the Hidden Genius Project out of Oakland, California. The author is discussing the advantages of having disenfranchised youth working on coding apps that apply to things that affect their daily lives. They are learning code that will give them better games and also will help them to make better choices. This video explains the post better than words ever could.
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