Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Randy Pausch

When I realized that this week was the Pausch lesson I quickly looked at my EDM310 blog. I have to admit that I got sidetracked. My how I have grown in the past 2 years!

In Pausch's last lecture his ideas about dreams still jumped out at me. This time however, I was thinking more about my students and less about me. I can now see that I need to encourage my students to dream -- really dream. They can be anything and do anything they set their minds to.  All they have to do is dream BIG and know that they can achieve their dreams.

This time around, Pausch made me thing of -- let's call him "Jake". Jake is a student in my class that probably will quit school as soon as he is old enough. He reads on a 2nd grade level and sleeps in class --well, not my class! Jake has dreams of being a diesel mechanic. Dreams that he is told he will not be able to complete if he quits school. Does he listen? No! Does he care? No! He is going to quit - it is a matter of time. So, do I give up on his dream? No! Jake isn't smart - he probably will never be "smart" in the way that can be tested; however he is capable. I encourage Jake to read "Popular Mechanics".  Although he can't take an Accelerated Reader (AR) test on this magazine - he can write me a paragraph telling me what he learned in an article. Does he get AR credit? No. Does he get credit in my class? Yes! He has a dream - I want him to succeed. I love Jake. I am the only teacher that ever has anything good to say about Jake. No one understands why he likes me and works for me. I know -- I support his dreams. I encourage his desires and I believe in him.

Does this change the almost imminent fact that he will not graduate? No! Do I really care? No! I have talked to Jake about his options. I have found information about mechanics school. I showed him that I know he can make it. He may not graduate - but he knows that I think it is important that he graduates form high school. I have told him he can complete his education. I hope he will. More so, I hope that he goes to a Community College and learns how to work on diesel engines. He can do it... I know he can!

This is what Mr. Pausch was talking about. Teaching students to dream and them helping them achieve their dreams. Make the student believe in themselves. Show the student how they can achieve their goals. So -- teach yourself to dream and to see the dream in your students. Sometimes, you may be the only one that can...


  1. Hi Gina

    It's interesting that you see things differently than you did in EDM 310. That just shows that you have grown as a person and as a teacher. I do have one thing that I have to disagree with you on. You stated "Does this change the almost imminent fact that he will not graduate? No! Do I really care? No!". Although, I realize that you have encouraged him by believing in him, I would still care if he did not graduate as I would want him to be as successful as he can. I might go further in ensuring that I did as much as I can to ensure that he not only graduates but that he accomplishes his goal of becoming a diesel mechanic. It is great to show them that you believe in them, but for some students you are the only support network they have so you may need to find a way to stick with them.

    1. Ramsey,

      While I understand your desire to make sure a student graduates, you can not make them do something. "Jake" reads on a second grade level. He has been suspended 4 times for fighting. He is not a bad kid -- he just doesn't want to be in school. Neither of his parents graduated from high school; therefore the mentality is, "go to school until you are 16 and get a job". I completely understand your thought process - and it is my heart's desire that "Jake" graduates - but we must also be realistic. He probably won't - and I just want him to know that regardless - I believe in him.


  2. "All they have to do is dream BIG and know that they can achieve their dreams." Hmmm…Some dream but cannot execute. Pausch dreamed of being in the NFL. He tried but couldn't do it. That is true for many. We have to evaluate and redirect our energies. A Jake. But will Jake make it?

    Thoughtful. Interesting. Well done!
