Post #1
This week I had another opportunity to visit with Mrs. Geldes's Class! So I took another look at Alex's blog. This week he created a Tellagami on birthstones. His birthstone is a sapphire because he was born in September. I let him know that my birthstone is a Peridot because I was born in August! It was a nice post.
I also got to visit Will's blog again. Will also told about the history of his birthstone. He was born in January and his birthstone is a garnet. I also let Will know that my birthday is in August so my birthstone is green - a light green! Such a cute thing that tellagami.
Will's, Alex's and my birthstones...
Post #2
Little Voices, Little Scholars is a great kids blog. This week I have 3 kids to post on. So I am going to begin with Leilani. In this post Leilani explains what she did over the weekend at her cousin's home. I was really surprised at how fearless she was - but then again children are innately fearless!
Next up is Alamoni. He wrote a descriptive story about Harold the Giraffe! I am going to add it here! So cute. I forgot how adorable these little ones can be!
The next student I have is Esther. Esther wrote a story about a Monster Truck! It was very cute. Go and watch it. Here is the illustration she drew for her story.
Post #3
My first student is Helen. The post I commented on was a wonderfully done story board. She did a fantastic job and it was neat to see this in an application. I really enjoyed reading it. The storyboard was about empathy - something we all need to learn!
Next comes Esrah. I decided to keep with the the empathy theme. Esrah did an amazing job defining and describing empathy. He explained empathy and gave examples of empathy - a job well done!
Finally we had Jonathon. Jonathon's post was a diagram of a bike. He did an awesome job of labeling the bike. He also made sure that everyone would know bike safety rules.
Post #4
I am still with PT England! This week I have 3 more students to view. I will begin with Levi. Apparently Levi hasn't blogged in a while so we are still on empathy. In Levi's post he encourages us all to show empathy to others. He says that his teacher gave him many examples of ways to show empathy - so we should all be empathetic to each other.
Maysun is next. He has posted something I know nothing about -- MATH! He is using something called trackers to "track" his progress in math. The tracker is color coded so that he knows what he has already learned, what he is in the process of learning and what he still needs to learn. Kind of cool!
Finally we have Faauiga. Faauiga has not posted since early February. So her post is about her holiday. (Just so you know - holiday in New Zealand is equal to vacation in the U.S.!) Apparently they went to the beach over the holiday. This made me realize that the climate is so different than here. Swimming in February is unheard of in this area - but in her area it must be normal!
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