Thursday, April 10, 2014

C4T Rotating

Jenny She 

I follow Jenny on Twitter. So I was really surprised at her lack of posts on her blog. Her latest blog is from July of last year. Her post is about a student of hers taking a photo. A photo that she didn't request that the student take. Initiative. Her student used some of the things that Jenny had taught and added what she wanted. This is exactly what we want for our students. We want them to take what we have taught them and expand upon it!


In this post there is a link to some very innovative teachers. You can see here what the teachers have done and why they are considered to be innovative. Looking over the list I realized that these are just everyday ordinary teachers that have taken the idea of teaching to a whole new level. They are indeed exemplary in their fields and deserving of recognition. 

Thumann Resources

I am a bit confused by this post. She hasn't posted in a very, very long time. I am also not sure what this has to do with teaching. We might want to reconsider this blog. Apparently this blogger had a hard time setting up a conference. Apparently only half of the people that registered for the event actually showed up. She was a tad bit upset about it and wanted ideas about how this could be improved. I felt really out of  my league. I had nothing great to say. I read further down to over a year ago to find some relevant information. While this blogger seems very intelligent - I wish it was up to date. 

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